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Burkett & Associates, LLC is giving away three (3) 6th-Generation 64GB iPad Minis (Wifi-Only) for the next three (3) months, and you could be a winner!
Eligible Entries include New and Existing Clients!
Plus, we are giving you a bonus entry opportunity. Once your entry is received, you'll receive a confirmation email with an opportunity to refer up to three (3) business partners/companies/organizations to the contest.
Remember, they must approve your entry so you may want to give them a heads-up that you are referring them and to look out for the email from
The First Drawing will be September 4th, 2023 and will be at random. Winner's will be notified via Email.
See Contest Rules for more information.
Email Privacy / SPAM Compliance Statement:
We promise never to sell or share your email or personal information with outside or 3rd party providers. We also pledge never to SPAM you. You may opt out of our emails at any time.
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